Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well here I am trying to give the whole blog thing a chance, Ive kinda put it off for a very long time. But here we are upon the fall, and what the hell, here we go. Ive gotten into fall colors a lot. I think I spent about 4 hours the other day on etsy looking at supplies, mostly garnet. For some insane reason Im on a big garnet kick! I found these from the seller nutraj and I am in love! But alas, I must actually sell some things to get them :insert sad eyes here:

I did list these beauties the other day, another pair of earrings I wanted to keep but fought with myself, and lost! So I listed these

Sighhh, arent they dreamy?
I love the black cherry garnets, I got those lovelies from the seller Norah62 she seriously amongst a few others has the best selection of gems, droool. Now I must be getting on to making some more things, I'm trying to make some fallish (thats not a word is it?) type jewelry, lots of lush reds, browns, purples, and oranges. Now if I could only find some topaz in the 1$ range... hmm a girl can hope. Ok, I have school work to do, and there is no rest for the wicked, and when I say wicked I mean tired and bored.


kim* said...

black cherry is tasty and looks beautiful on jewelry

Beth said...

The earrings are lovely!

Erika said...

Thanks guys, you made my day:) And yes black cherries are tasty, food and on jewelr;)

Renee said...

I just adore this style of earring. Erika made me one with pink chalcedony, one of my fave earrings ever.