Wednesday, August 27, 2008

blah, sale and stuff

I had a pretty long talk with my mom yesterday, and when i say we, it was mostly me talking. I was ranting a lot, but it felt good to get some much needed crap of my chest. Our family is going through some stuff, so i kinda let things pile up in my mind grapes, ha ha. Ive put myself on a budget, and im sticking so far. Im reading confessions of a shopaholic and i see little traces of myself in becky. So that was a big wake up call, i bought my last big thing, a refurbished ipod touch. I was iffy on the whole refurbished thing, but Ive heard good things, and i saved 100$. So that was my last omg pricey thing.

My shop is having a 15% off sale till friday and no one is biting, i think that is a pretty sweet deal,( Ha ha now i have the end of the world voice dude in my head when he's talking about the sweet round earth) I feel like throwing in the towel sometimes, i mean its not exactly a self esteem boost when youve been on etsy for 2 years and you've sold 6 things. I promote myself till i cant promote no more, and nada. Ok now im just feeling sorry for myself, lets change the subject. Im going home this weekend, Yay! Seeing my besty Renee, who needs to start her blog already..cough. and then seeing my family. I just cant wait till friday, this week has been super stressful and I need a break. I was bad... I ordered these
from Lily's Bead Box thats her photo by the way, I told you I was on a big garnet kick! And now Im done.. i still want that other strand but I have to be strong, I dont want to be a becky bloomwood!


April H said...

LOL I'm really giggling over the end of the world, which happens to be one of my fave things :)

I've read the shopaholic series too. ANd I saw a lot of me in them. We've been on a pretty tight budget lately too, but you know what? Its definitely worth it!

Good luck!

Erika said...

I watch it all the time, and i still laugh like its the first time, ha ha. I just finished the first book, and I have to, no need too get the next one!

Budgeting is so hard, especially when you know a ton of people who dont have to worry about money. but I agree in the long run it will be worth it, Good luck to you too =)