Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Getting things done

So its been a pretty productive day, ive already finished most of my school work and now im online chatting. What I really need to do is to clean the dump i call my room. Last night i stayed up till 1am organizing my beads and stones, yeah i party like a rock star. And after all that, it still looks horribly a mess. Here is an after shot of my sweat and tears, minus the blood:

and Im not even done, not anywhere near..:cries: also this is what happens when you let a 2 year old in your room and have the nerve to look away for 5 seconds

See all those mixed ones, they used to have their very own compartments. Im not gonna touch that one for a very long time. That one will take ages to get back to what it used to look like, which was an ass kickin thing of beauty... Ok, back to work.


Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

Jewelry making seems rather overwhelming! But you look pretty organized. Just stopping by to say hi! and hope you have a good day on etsy.

LazyTcrochet said...

I am trying to organize today also. Keep up the good work. Good luck!

Erika said...

Thanks guys, well i would a lot more organized if I didnt have the help of my 2 year old friend over in the other room. It does get overwhelming though, you dont want to see the before picture, ha ha.
Oh and im doing more organizing today..um woot?
Thanks! Ill need all the luck I can get.