Friday, September 5, 2008

Oh what a week..

Well i took a week long Sabbatical from my blog, I started a new job, well a part time job, another nanny gig watching a 2 month old adorable baby girl named Kennedy. Its pretty easy, and the money is decent. Hopefully I will be able to put away some dough and actually save. Besides that I'm busy with school work, and the like. But I have been able to churn out some beauties:Im really adoring garnet right now, does it show? Just trying right now to get my shop up and going, business is slow as usual. I know august was a slow time for buying so Im hoping that Sept till xmas will really pick up, speaking of Christmas..I cant wait! Its my favorite time of year, and its not cause you get presents(which isnt exactly a bad thing, ha ha) but its that time of year when you get all sqishy inside and look forward to being around the people who usually drive you coocoo bananas the other 364 days of the year. Now i really need to get cracking and make some more pieces. I want to fill up my shop with as many pieces as I can. Hopefully draw up some bidness' haha.

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