Monday, December 22, 2008


Im sitting here thinking it's supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year and all i feel is annoyance. the one time of the year when you are supposed to be jolly and festive, and all i want to do is sleep and wish december was over with already. Shit, I wish 2008 were over already so I can start anew. But the pessimist in me just feels like 2009 will be 2008 part duex. This is the year that is making 2003 look like rainbows and unicorns. All around me people are miserable and unhappy, and then you see people who should be flung off a cliff, not even being touched, completely unfaized by all the crap that is happening. and you just think, what did they do to be happy?
It makes me question Karma sometimes because if karma really did exist, then its not working quite right... Unless that whole coming back as a dung beetle thing happens.
So, im literally counting my dimes and nickels for christmas presents, and it sucks because I want to be able to give everyone a great gift.. but thats just not going to happen this year.

Anyways, ive been making new things,i guess thats a good thing,lol. I made my grandmother a necklace, and my mom an anklet. I hope they like. they best, ha ha. ive been spending loads of time on etsy lately, purusing the stores, hopelessly being jeluz of people with amazing sales and I stumbled across this:

Just read the description, it is so something I would say. And that is just so sad on my part because Im a natural born New Yorker..go figure.
Another seller on etsy who I regularly check back on is Bonzie, just amazing designs, and when I start making more moniez and possibly try to become more stylish(smaller miracles have taken place) I would love to get one of her boleros.

I happen to know that Imogen Heap is a fan of hers, not that has anything to do with it:shifty eyes: haha
Hopefully ill get some shots of the new things I have made in the past few weeks, ive been so damn lazy when it comes to photographing lately.. its just a tiny bit sad and a huge lot pathetic. Ok alas I must go.

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