Thursday, October 22, 2009

Yes, yes I do have a problem.

I have been wanting to get a strand of rutilated amethyst for as long as I can remember. I love how it has so many inclusions, but even with that it still is so amazing looking. Just goes to show that having "flaws" isn't always a bad thing. I have so many designs floating around my head with this stone, but I've been so lazy as of late that I haven't made any jewelry which is a bit of a disappointment because I used to make so many pieces and had so much enthusiasm about jewelry making...

OK so its not citrine, but its close enough! This is I believe mandrin hydro quartz. I have them in my possession and ohmylanta they look exactly like that in real life. Gorgeous and will make perfect fall jewelry but knowing me, by the time I do make something it will prolly not be fall anymore(super fail on my part.)

I never see strands like this.. ever. So when I saw these, I was like CLICK, add to basket. Its blue topaz and aquamarine. I don't have any aquamarine, so that also was a reason. Also Blue topaz is just amazing, the end. I think these will make for some gorgeous winter jewels, like cascading earrings, and maybe chandelier earrings.

Last but definitely not least, is the green hydro quartz. I posted about these a few months ago, and by the time I was finally like eff it Im buying those babies... they were gone. But Norah62 was selling another half strand, so I swooped these up fast. The greens like the mandrin ones above are the same quality, just like they are pictured. Insanely clear and beautiful. I have a few ideas for these, but mostly earrings. Id love to start making more than earrings, but I find myself in a jewelry making culdesac. Either its the same design or nothing at all. It just seems that school and my job have taken over, and what is funny is that Im going to art school, and I never have time for anything art related. Its almost like, school has bored me of doing anything remotely related to art and design. Which probably isnt the best thing.. and what its supposed to do. Being a nanny isnt exactly a bed of roses, i find myself going to bed at 10. and that's fighting it. If my favorite shows were on earlier, I would be going to bed a lot earlier, so thank you the office, 30 rock, glee, and the big bang theory for being on past 9, ha ha. Wow.. I watch to much tv. Oh well.

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